Monday, February 19, 2018

NFPA 72 2016 Chapter 26 Changes

NFPA 72 2016 Chapter 26 - Supervising Station Alarm Systems

The following information contains the changes, updates and additions to Supervising Station Alarm Systems found in Chapter 26 of the NFPA 72 2016 edition.  Remember if you see a * make sure to consult the Annex A for additional information.

All information highlighted in this light blue color is NEW to the 2016 edition of NFPA 72.

  • Alarms signals initiating by manual fire alarm boxes, automatic fire detectors, waterflow from the automatic sprinkler system, or actuation of other fire suppression system(s) or equipment shall be treated as fire alarm signals.
  •* Except as permitted by 26.2.2 and, all fire alarm signals received by a supervising station shall be immediately re-transmitted to the communications center.
  • Fire alarm signals received at the supervising station by a zone or zones shall be re transmitted by zone to the communications center.
  • Fire alarm signals received at the supervising station that are identified as an individual point or points shall be re-transmitted by point identified to the communications system.
Central Station Service Alarm Systems
  • The authority having jurisdiction identified in shall be notified within 30 calendar days of the expiration or cancellation by the organization that listed the prime contractor.
  •* Supervisory Signals.  Upon receipt of a supervisory signal that is not prearranged, the central station shall perform the following actions:
    1. *Communicate immediately with the persons designated by the subscriber and notify the fire department, law enforcement agency, or both when required by the authority having jurisdiction
    2. Dispatch a runner or maintenance person to arrive within 2 hours to investigate unless the supervisory signal is cleared in accordance with a scheduled procedure determined by
    3. Notify the authority having jurisdiction and the subscriber when sprinkler systems or other fire suppression systems or equipment have been wholly or partially out of service for 8 hours.
    4. When service has been restored, provide notice to the subscriber and the authority having jurisdiction of the nature of the signal, the time of occurrence, and the restoration of service when equipment has been out of service for 8 hours or more.

NFPA 72 2016 Chapter 24 - Supervising Station Alarm Systems

Back to the Beginning - NFPA 72 2016 Chapter 3 - Definitions

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